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(1) Zi Chun Liu, Yuan Xiao Ma,* Yeliang Wang,* et al. “Ultrathin Sn-doped Ga2O3 for Power Field-Effect Transistors: Si-compatible 4-inch array with high-k gate dielectric”, Science Bulletin, 2024 (Online, In Press).
(2) Han Yang, Yuan Xiao Ma,* Yeliang Wang,* et al. “Sn-doped β-Ga2O3 thin films grown on off-axis sapphire substrates by LPCVD using Ga-Sn alloy solid source”, Physica Scripta, vol.99, no.6, 5417, May 2024.
(3) Zi Chun Liu, Yuan Xiao Ma,* Yeliang Wang,* et al. “4-inch Gallium Oxide FETs Array with High-k Ta2O5 as Gate Dielectric by Physical Vapor Deposition”, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 2400046, 2024 (Online, In Press).
(4) Jia Cheng Li, Yuan Xiao Ma,* Yeliang Wang,* et al. “1-Selector 1-Memristor Configuration with Multifunctional a-IGZO Memristive Devices Fabricated at Room Temperature”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 14, 17766–17777, 27 March, 2024.
(5) Yuan Xiao Ma, Hui Su, Wing Man Tang, Pui To Lai, “Review on remote phonon scattering in transistors with metal-oxide-semiconductor structures adopting high-k gate dielectrics”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 41, 2023. (Featured)
(6) An Huang, Yuan Xiao Ma*, Yeliang Wang, * et al., “Room-temperature-processed synaptic a-IGZO TFT with high-k HfLaO gate dielectric as neuromodulator”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 38, 115003, 2023.
(7) Yuan Xiao Ma, Qing He Wang, Haining Cheng, Pui To Lai* and Wing Man Tang*, “NdxHf(1-x)ON as Gate Dielectric for High-Performance Pentacene OTFTs”, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 2300049, March 2023.
(8) Yuan Xiao Ma, Pui To Lai* and Wing Man Tang*, “Low-Threshold Pentacene OTFT by using NdTaON Gate Dielectric and ITO Gate Electrode”, Applied Surface Science, vol. 605, pp. 154611, 18 March 2022.
(9) Y. X. Ma, W. M. Tang*, and P. T. Lai*, “Improved Carrier Mobility of Pentacene Organic TFTs by Suppressed Oxide Growth at Remote Interface using Nitrogen Doping in High-k NdNbO Dielectric”, Organic Electronics, vol. 102, 106427, 28 December 2021.
(10) Y. X. Ma, H. Su, W. M. Tang*, and P. T. Lai*, “Plasmon-phonon resonance at gate-electrode gate-dielectric interface on carrier mobility or organic TFTs with high-k gate dielectrics”, Applied Surface Science, vol. 565, 150374, 15 June 2021.
(11) Y. X. Ma, C. Y. Han, W. M. Tang*, and P. T. Lai*,“Reduced Screening of Remote Phonon Scattering in Thin-Film Transistors Caused by Gate-Electrode/Gate-Dielectric Interlayer”, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 14,2020.
(12) Yuan Xiao Ma, Hui Su, Wing Man Tang* and Pui To Lai*, “Gate Screening on Remote Phonon Scattering for Pentacene Organic TFTs: Holes versus Electrons”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40, 893-896, April 2019.
(13) Yuan Xiao Ma, Wing Man Tang* and Pui To Lai*, “Effects of a Gate-Electrode/Gate-Dielectric Interlayer on Carrier Mobility for Pentacene Organic Thin-Film Transistors”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39, 1516-1519, August 2018.
(14) Yuan Xiao Ma, Chuan Yu Han, Wing Man Tang and Pui To Lai*, “Effects of Gate Electron Concentration on the Performance of Pentacene Organic Thin-Film Transistors”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39, 963-966, May 2018.
(15) Yuanxiao Ma, Wing Man Tang, Chuanyu Han and Pui To Lai*,“High-Performance Organic Thin-Film Transistor by using Nd2O3 Gate Dielectric doped with Nb”, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 215, 1700609, January 2018.
(16) Y. X. Ma, C. Y. Han, W. M. Tang, and P. T. Lai*,“High-Performance Pentacene OTFT by Incorporating Ti in LaON Gate Dielectric”, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 3501-3505, July 2017.
(17) Hui. Su, Yuan Xiao Ma, Pui To Lai, and Wing Man Tang, “Influence of Gate Doping Concentration on the Characteristics of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors With HfLaO Gate Dielectric”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40, 1953-1956, October 2019.
(18) Chuan Yu Han, Yuan Xiao Ma, Wing Man Tang, Xiao Li Wang and Pui To Lai*, “A Study on Organic Thin-Film Transistors Using Hf-La Oxides with Different La Contents as Gate Dielectrics”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 1107-1112, Feb 2018.
(19) Chuan Yu Han, Yuan Xiao Ma, Wing Man Tang, Xiao Li Wang, Pui To Lai*, “A Study on Pentacene Organic Thin-Film Transistor with Different Gate Materials on Various Substrates”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38, 744-747, April 2017.
6年海外经历,具有物理电子学、微电子学、电子通信工程等交叉专业背景;主持并参与海内外多个前沿项目,主要从事宽带隙氧化物半导体以及结合高k的功率器件、忆阻器等器件构筑与集成的研究工作,以独立第一作者或通讯作者在包括Science Bulletin,ACS AMI,IEEE EDL, APL等微电子器件领域的国际权威期刊和会议上发表论文近三十篇,并发明专利近十项。讲授《电路分析基础》本科专业基础课程。
High Flier Award, The University of Nottingham (UK)