沙巴体育 沙巴体育 通知公告












刘霞,沙巴体育平台测评-2025最新体育博彩趋势解析 教授/博导、国家高层次青年人才。本科毕业于合肥工业大学,博士(直博)毕业于清华大学,曾任美国凯斯西储大学副研究员、瑞士洛桑联邦理工沙巴体育平台 实验研究员等。长期专注摩尔时代的先进微纳工艺、新型纳电子器件和二维集成电路等核心技术研究。出版著作1部,发表第一作者和通讯作者论文30余篇如Nature Electronics、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Letters、Nano Energy等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家高层次人才青年项目。曾作为骨干成员参与欧洲研究委员会(ERC)资助的前沿科技研究项目(约1750万资助)研究,积累了十余超净间工作经验。担任Transducers 2019、2021会议分会主席和技术委员会委员。担任ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际知名期刊审稿人。






. 期刊论文

18. Sadegh Kamaei, Xia Liu, Ali Saeidi, Yingfen Wei, Carlotta Gastaldi, Juergen Brugger, Adrian M. Ionescu, Ferroelectric gating of two-dimensionalsemiconductors for the integration of steep-slope logic and neuromorphic devices, Nature Electronics, 2023, //doi.org/10.1038/s41928-023-01018-7

17. Wei Xu, Xiuhan Li*, Juergen Brugger, Xia Liu*, Study of the enhanced electricity output of a sliding droplet-based triboelectric nanogenerator for droplet sensor design, Nano Energy, 2022, 98, 107166.

16. Ana Conde-Rubio,* Xia Liu, Giovanni Boero, and Jürgen Brugger, Edge-Contact MoS2 Transistors Fabricated Using Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 42328−42336.

15. Xia Liu*, Arnob Islam, Ning Yang, Bradley Odhner, Mary Anne Tupta, Jing Guo, Philip X.-L. Feng*, Atomic Layer MoTe2 Field-Effect Transistors and Monolithic Logic Circuits Configured by Scanning Laser Annealing. ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 12, 19733–19742.

14. Xia Liu, Samuel Tobias Howell, Ana Conde-Rubio, Giovanni Boero, and Juergen Brugger*, Thermomechanical nanocutting of 2D materials. Advanced Materials, 2020, 2001232. (EPFL学校官网头条新闻://actu.epfl.ch/news/epfl-researchers-cut-atom-sized-patterns-into-2d-m/)

13. Xia Liu, Arnob Islam, Jing Guo, Philip X.-L. Feng*, Controlling polarity of MoTe2 transistors for monolithic complementary logic via Schottky contact engineering. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 2, 1457–1467.

12. Xia Liu, Amit Kumar Sachan, Samuel Tobias Howell, Ana Conde-Rubio, Giovanni Boero, Renato Zenobi, Jürgen Brugger*, Thermomechanical Nanostraining of Two-Dimensional Materials. Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 11, 8250–8257. (EPFL学校官网头条新闻://actu.epfl.ch/news/altering-the-properties-of-2d-materials-at-the-nan/)

11. Xia Liu, Jing Ma, Xiaoming Wu, Liwei Lin, Xiaohong Wang*, Polymeric nanofibers with ultrahigh piezoelectricity via self-orientation of nanocrystals. ACS Nano, 2017, 11(2), 1901–1910. (清华大学新闻://news.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1007/54151.htm)

10. Xia Liu, Hui Zhao, Yingxian Lu, Song Li, Liwei Lin, Yanan Du, Xiaohong Wang*, In vitro cardiomyocyte-driven biogenerator based on aligned piezoelectric nanofibers, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 7278–7286.

9. Xia Liu, Si Chen, Juan Pu, Xiaohong Wang*. A Flexible all-solid-state micro supercapacitor and its application in electrostatic energy management system, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2016, 25(5), 929–936.

8. Xia Liu, Maoyun Deng, Xiaohong Wang*. Nanoscale domain imaging and local piezoelectric coefficient d33 studies of single piezoelectric polymeric nanofibers, Materials Letters, 2017, 189, 66–69.

7. Xia Liu, Xuanlin Kuang, Sixing Xu, Xiaohong Wang*. High-sensitivity piezoresponse force microscopy studies of single polyvinylidene fluoride nanofibers, Materials Letters, 2017, 191:189–192.

6. Xia Liu, Sixing Xu, Xuanlin Kuang, Xiaohong Wang*. Ultra-long MWCNTs highly oriented in electrospun PVDF/MWCNT composite nanofibers with enhanced β phase, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 106690–106696.

5. Xia Liu, Sixing Xu, Xuanlin Kuang, Daxin Tan, Xiaohong Wang*. Nanoscale investigations on β-phase orientation, piezoelectric response, and polarization direction of electrospun PVDF nanofibers, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 109061–109066.

4. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang*, Hui Zhao, Yanan Du. Myocardial cell pattern on piezoelectric nanofiber mats for energy harvesting, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2014, 557, 012057.

3. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang, Xiaoming Wu, Zhixiong Zhang, Yuanxi Zhang. The synergistic effect of periodic immunomagnetics and microfluidics on universally capturing circulating tumor cells, Microsystem Technologies, 2014, 20(7):1337-1344.

2. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang*. 3D cardiac cell culture on nanofiber bundle substrates to investigate cell morphology and contraction, Micromachines, 2017, 8(5): 147.

1. Kaidi Li, Xia Liu, Yifeng Liu, Xiaohong Wang*. A piezoelectric generator based on PVDF/GO nanofiber membrane, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1052, 012110.

Ⅱ. 会议论文

14. Sadegh Kamaei, Ali Saeidi, Xia Liu, Carlotta Gastaldi, Clara Moldovan, Jürgen Brugger, Adrian M. Ionescu, Fully integrated Si:HfO2 Negative Capacitance 2D-2D WSe2/SnSe2 Subthermionic Tunnel FETs, ESSCIRC 2022- IEEE 48th European Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 19-22 September 2022, Milan, Italy.

13. Berke Erbas, Ana Conde-Rubio, Xia Liu, Mitali Banerjee, Marcos Penedo, Georg Fantner, Giovanni Boero, Juergen Brugger, Grayscale nanopatterning for 2D material straining, 48th International conference on micro and nanoengineering (MNE 2022), Sept 19-23, 2022. Leuven, Belgium.

12. X Liu, M Rostami, A Conde Rubio, G Boero, J Brugger, Spontaneous formation of ordered micro-wrinkles on a thermosensitive resist, 47th Micro and Nano Engineering Conference (MNE 2021), Sept 20-23, 2021, Turin, Italy.

11. A Conde Rubio, X Liu, G Boero, J Brugger, Edge-contact MoS2 transistors made by thermal scanning probe lithography, 47th Micro and Nano Engineering Conference (MNE 2021), Sept 20-23, 2021, Turin, Italy.

10. Xia Liu, Samuel Tobias Howell, Ana Conde-Rubio, Giovanni Boero, Juergen Brugger. Thermomechanical nanocutting of 2D materials using thermal scanning probe lithography, CMD2020GEFES, 2020 joint conference of the condensed matter divisions of EPS_CMD and RSEF-GEFES, Online, 31st August - 4th September, 2020.

9. Xia Liu, Arnob Islam, Philip X.L. Feng*. Few-layer MoTe2 suspended channel transistors and nanoelectromechanical resonators, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019), June 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany, page 2408-2411.

8. Xia Liu*, Juergen Brugger, Xiaohong Wang. Self-charging energy harvesting system for wearables, the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS 2019 Spring), May 27-31, 2019, Nice, France.

7. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang*, Cardiomyocytes driven piezoelectric nanofiber generator with anisotropic enhancement, 2016 IEEE 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016), January 24-28, 2016, Shanghai, China, page 1189–1192.

6. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang*, Song Li, Liwei Lin, Energy harvesting using uniaxially aligned cardiomyocytes, 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014), January 26-30, 2014, San Francisco, USA, page 159–162.

5. Xia Liu, Xiaohong Wang*, Hui Zhao, Yanan Du, Myocardial cell pattern on piezoelectric nanofiber mats for energy harvesting, 14th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2014), November 18–21, 2014, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan.

4. Hao Jia, Xia Liu, Philip X.-L. Feng*. Manipulating and patterning micro/nanoparticles in liquid using multimode membrane resonators, 2018 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2018), Cleveland, USA, page 1–4.

3. Arnob Islam, Xia Liu, Bradley Odhner, Mary Anne Tupta, Philip X.-L. Feng*. Investigation of electrostatic gating in two-dimensional transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field effect transistors (FETs), 2018 IEEE 13th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2018), Portland, USA, page 1–4.

2. Sixing Xu, Wei Liu, Xia Liu, Xuanlin Kuang, W. Liu, Xiaohong Wang*. A Mxene based all-solid-state microsupercapacitor with 3D interdigital electrode, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Taiwan, China, page 706–709.

1. Xuanlin Kuang, Xia Liu, Sixing Xu, Xiaohong Wang*. Silicon enclosed in rGO/CNT shell-like scaffold as a micro lithium-ion battery anode, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Taiwan, China, page 714–717.

Ⅲ. 专著

1. 刘霞,心肌细胞驱动的能量收集器及超高压电性纳米纤维研究,清华大学出版社出版。


  1. 研发出了面向<1nm厚度的半导体晶体的纳米加工技术,实现了无侵入式的,无掩模版,无电子束/离子束的直接图形化工艺,最小尺寸可达到20nm。与激光直写技术、电子束/离子束光刻技术相比,此技术对半导体材料性能不产生任何影响,以及避免了使用后续湿法工艺,节省成本和简化工艺。

  2. 研究了一种基于热机械原理的纳米探针直写方法来实现二维晶体的局部应变,精度可达到20nm,可调控其禁带宽度(最大可调控0.3eV)。这种可调控的应变可永久保留在二维材料中,从而实现性能可调控的器件。这种直写工艺还可实现大规模加工,从而可直接应用在传感器、电子器件和集成电路的制备。

  3. 研发了基于非掺杂、非侵入式的方法来调控二维晶体管的p态或n态,利用改变二维晶体与栅极/漏极的肖特基接触势垒来制备p态晶体管和n态晶体管。开发了两种工艺方法,退火和激光直写,实现了采用同种金属电极和同种二维晶体的数字逻辑门电路,为实现大规模的二维集成电路做铺垫。

  4. 实现具有超高压电性的一维柔性纳米纤维。该项研究利用比表面积大的二维材料来调控纳米聚合物纤维的晶相,极大地提升了聚合物的压电性能。该研究方法为未来实现不同材料性能的调控提供了很有前瞻性的借鉴。






2017-2018年美国凯斯西储大学Wen Ko Fellowship




2016年清华大学综合优秀奖学金 — 蒋震奖学金

2015年清华大学LAM Research奖学金


2014年IEEE MEMS 2014优秀论文提名奖



担任Transducers 2019、2021会议分会主席和技术委员会委员。担任ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际知名期刊审稿人。

