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1. 新兴低维材料性能的预测:二维无机/有机信息与光电材料物性预测、低维体系输运性质计算、低维光电转换材料设计等。
2. 先进信息器件的界面设计:构筑并优化同质/异质结表界面、金属-半导体界面,设计并筛选满足未来电子器件需求的高性能界面。
3. 新型耦合机制对物性调控的探索:二维层间、准一维链间、零维分子间新型电子、光学、磁性等耦合机制研究。
一. 提出“类共价准键”界面相互作用新模型、预测新型高性能低维材料物性
1. High-mobility transport anisotropy and linear dichroism in few-layer black phosphorus
Jingsi Qiao†, Xianghua Kong† … Wei Ji*
Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)
[被引3000余次,ESI高被引论文;2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文;2014-2018年物理学领域被引用数最多的中国学者论文第1名;Nat. Commun.所有发表论文中截至2022年01月引用次数最高的文章。]
2. Few-layer Tellurium: one-dimensional-like layered elementary semiconductor with striking physical properties
Jingsi Qiao†, Yuhao Pan†, Feng Yang†… Wei Ji*
Science Bulletin, 63 (3), 159-168 (2018)
3. Rapid, Scalable Construction of Highly Crystalline Acylhydrazone Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks via Dipole-Induced Antiparallel Stacking
Xing Li†, Jingsi Qiao †(理论部分)… Kian Ping Loh*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 10, 4932–4943 (2020)
4. Interaction of Black Phosphorus with Oxygen and Water
Yuan Huang †, Jingsi Qiao †(理论部分)… Wei Ji*, Rodney S. Ruoff* and Peter Sutter*
Chemistry of Materials, 28, 8330-8339 (2016)
5. Linkage Engineering by Harnessing Supramolecular Interactions to Fabricate 2D Hydrazone-Linked Covalent Organic Framework Platforms toward Advanced Catalysis
Cheng Qian†, Weiqiang Zhou†, Jingsi Qiao † (理论部分)… Yanli Zhao*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 42, 18138–18149 (2020)
6. Wet Chemical Method for Black Phosphorus Thinning and Passivation
Shuangqing Fan†, Jingsi Qiao (理论部分) †…Wei Ji* and Jing Liu*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 9, 9213-9222 (2019)
二. 新型纳米电子界面的设计和优化
1. High-Electron-Mobility and Air-Stable 2D Layered PtSe2 FETs
Yuda Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分) ... Wei Ji* and Yang Chai*
Advanced Materials 29, 1604230 (2017)
Materials Views: 具有强层间相互作用和高迁移率的新型贵金属硫属化物
2. Extraordinarily Strong Interlayer Interaction in Two-Dimensional Layered PtS2
Yuda Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分) ... Wei Ji* and Yang Chai*
Advanced Materials 28 (12), 2399–2407 (2016)
Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides: Group-10 Expands the Spectrum
3. Ultrahigh mobility and efficient charge injection in monolayer organic thin-film transistors on boron nitride
Daowei He†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分), Linglong Zhang … Wei Ji* and Xinran Wang*
Science Advances, 3, e1701186 (2017)
Science Advances:目前最高性能的单层有机薄膜晶体管
4. Probing Carrier Transport and Structure-Property Relationship of Highly Ordered Organic Semiconductors at the Two-Dimensional Limit
Yuhan Zhang †, Jingsi Qiao †(理论部分), Si Gao … Wei Ji*… Xinran Wang*
Physical Review Letters, 116,016602 (2016)
《APS Physics》 Viewpoint: Precise Layering of Organic Semiconductors
《Nature Reviews Materials》 Organic electronics: Packing tips for charge transport
5. Xin Xu, Jingsi Qiao*…Zefeng Chen*, Jianbin Xu*
Experimental Observation of Ultrahigh Mobility Anisotropy of Organic Semiconductors in the Two-Dimensional Limit
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 2 (9), 2888-2894 (2020)
1. Visualizing spatial evolution of electron-correlated interface in two-dimensional heterostructures Quanzhen Zhang†, Yanhui Hou†, Teng Zhang† … Jingsi Qiao*, Xu Wu*, and Yeliang Wang*
ACS NANO, 15 (10), 16589 (2021)
2. Unveiling Atomic-Scale Moiré Features and Atomic Reconstructions in High-Angle
Commensurately Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers
Xiaoxu Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分), Si Min Chan†…Kian Ping Loh*
Nano Letters, 21, 7, 3262-3270 (2021)
3. Room Temperature Commensurate Charge Density Wave on Epitaxially Grown Bilayer 2H-Tantalum Sulfide on Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Wei Fu†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分), Xiaoxu Zhao†… Kian Ping Loh*
ACS NANO, 14, 4, 3917-3926 (2020)
4. Strong Moire Excitons in High-Angle Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers with Robust Commensuration
Xiaoxu Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao†(理论部分), Xin Zhou†…Kian Ping Loh*
Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03622 (2021)
5. Unusual Electronic States and Superconducting Proximity Effect of Bi Films Modulated by a NbSe2 Substrate
Lang Peng†, Jingsi Qiao† (理论部分)… Ying-Shuang Fu*
ACS NANO, 13, 2, 1885-1892 (2019)
6. Shallowing interfacial carrier trap in transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures with interlayer hybridization
Xu Wu†, Jingsi Qiao †(理论部分), Liwei Liu†, … Hongjun Gao
Nano Research, 14, 1390 (2021)
乔婧思,教授,博导,北京理工大学特立青年学者,爱思唯尔2020中国高被引学者。长期致力于研究低维表界面量子系统和信息材料与器件等领域的前沿问题,预测新体系和新现象,解释实验并提出新机理和新理论,取得了一系列有国际影响力的成果。在Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letter, JACS, Advanced Materials等共计发表SCI论文35篇,总影响因子高于350,总引用次数超4500次,H因子16。其中(共同)第一作者和通讯作者论文22篇,ESI高被引论文6篇(被引次数位于全球前1%),一作文章单篇被引3000余次。
2022:Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)截至2022年06月他引频次3000余次,全期刊排名第1
2020:Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)获得2014-2018年物理学领域引用数最多的中国学者论文第1名
2018:“第十三届 中国大学生年度人物”(科研类)入围奖
担任npj 2D materials and applications, Advanced Electronic Materials, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Electronic Materials等国内外知名期刊审稿人。